137 research outputs found

    Diseño de un sistema de visión por ordenador para la caracterización del color del tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

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    The external appearance of food is the first attribute in which consumers set their eyes on. The color, in particular, has a special relevance in the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Objective color measurement can be carried out by various instruments. These, generally, have a high-price which adds to other drawbacks for the analysis of food products. For this reason, in recent years, the use of computer vision systems (CVS) has increased. These consist of an image capturing system and a software. The latter can be an impediment for some potential users, since there are few simple computational tools for information processing and the software development is a limiting restriction for many users. In the case of the tomato, there is a specific program for color measurement, however, it cannot be modified for the incorporation of a lacking function: the analysis of the external characteristics of the fruit. Therefore, it seems opportune to develop a tool that allows analyzing the external color of the tomato in a simple, objective, efficient way and with a lower price than traditional measuring instruments. The main objective of this work is to construct a low cost CVS to measure the external color of tomato. For this purpose, an image capturing system has been designed and a program has been developed, using the software LabVIEW, for the acquisition, processing, analysis and storage of images, as well as a simple graphical environment for user manipulation. Finally, the effectiveness of the CVS has been proven by the study of a tomato fruit. The first results achieved have been the image capturing system, the program for image manipulation and the graphical user interface. The color of various colored cards has been analyzed using the CVS. These measurements have been compared with the readings made by a commercial system, the Konica Minolta CR-400 colorimeter, obtaining a standardized average error of the CVS of 2.50 %. This result demonstrates the accuracy of the built CVS.L'aparença externa dels aliments és el primer atribut en què es fixen els consumidors. El color, en particular, té una especial rellevància en el tomàquet (Solanum lycopersicum L.). La mesura objectiva del color pot ser duta a terme per diversos instruments. Aquests presenten, generalment, un elevat cost, a més d'altres inconvenients per a l'anàlisi de productes alimentaris. Per aquest motiu, en els darrers anys, ha augmentat l'ús dels sistemes de visió per computador (SVC). Aquests consten d'un sistema de captació d'imatges i un programari per a la seva anàlisi. Aquest últim pot ser un impediment per a alguns potencials usuaris, ja que són poques les eines computacionals senzilles per al processament de la informació i el desenvolupament de programari és una restricció limitant per a molts usuaris. En el cas del tomàquet existeix un programa específic per a la mesura del color, no obstant això, aquest no pot ser modificat per a la incorporació d'una funció que no incorpora: l'anàlisi de les característiques externes del fruit. Per tant, sembla oportú desenvolupar una eina que permeti analitzar el color extern del tomàquet de manera simple, objectiva, eficaç i amb un preu interior al dels instruments de mesura tradicionals. L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és construir un SVC de baix cost per mesurar el color extern del tomàquet. És per a això que s'ha dissenyat un sistema de captació d'imatges i s'ha desenvolupat un programa, mitjançant el programari LabVIEW, per a l'adquisició, processament, anàlisi i emmagatzemat d'imatges, així com un entorn gràfic senzill per a la manipulació per part de l'usuari. Finalment, s'ha comprovat la utilitat del SVC mitjançant l'estudi d'un tomàquet. Els primers resultats aconseguits han estat el propi sistema de captació d'imatges, el programa per a la manipulació de les mateixes i la interfície gràfica d'usuari. A partir del SVC construït s'ha analitzat el color de diverses cartes de colors. Aquestes mesures han estat comparades amb les lectures efectuades amb un sistema comercial, el colorímetre Konica Minolta CR-400, obtenint-se un error mitjà normalitzat del SVC del 2,50 %. Demostrant aquest resultat l'exactitud del SVC construït.La apariencia externa de los alimentos es el primer atributo en que se fijan los consumidores. El color, en particular, tiene una especial relevancia en el tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.). La medida objetiva del color puede ser llevada a cabo por diversos instrumentos. Estos presentan, generalmente, un elevado coste, además de otros inconvenientes para el análisis de productos alimentarios. Por ese motivo, en los últimos años, ha aumentado el uso de los sistemas de visión por computador (SVC). Estos constan de un sistema de captación de imágenes y un software para su análisis. Este último puede ser un impedimento para algunos potenciales usuarios, ya que son escasas las herramientas computacionales sencillas para el procesado de la información y el desarrollo de software es una restricción limitante para muchos usuarios. En el caso del tomate existe un programa específico para la medida del color, sin embargo, no puede ser modificado para la incorporación de una función de la que carece: el análisis de las características externas del fruto. Por tanto, parece oportuno desarrollar una herramienta que permita analizar el color externo del tomate de manera simple, objetiva, eficaz y cuyo precio sea menor al de los instrumentos de medida tradicionales. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es construir un SVC de bajo coste para medir el color externo del tomate. Para ello se ha diseñado un sistema de captación de imágenes y se ha desarrollado un programa, mediante el software LabVIEW, para la adquisición, procesado, análisis y almacenado de imágenes, así como un entorno gráfico sencillo para la manipulación por parte del usuario. Finalmente, se ha comprobado la utilidad del SVC mediante el estudio de un fruto de tomate. Los primeros resultados alcanzados han sido el propio sistema de captación de imágenes, el programa para la manipulación de las mismas y la interfaz gráfica de usuario. A partir del SVC construido se ha analizado el color de diversas cartas de colores. Estas medidas han sido comparadas con las lecturas efectuadas con un sistema comercial, el colorímetro Konica Minolta CR-400, obteniéndose un error medio normalizado del SVC del 2,50 %. Demostrando este resultado la exactitud del SVC construido

    Sensory analysis of nougat: methodology, training, and validation of a panel for protected geographical indication Torró d'Agramunt

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    Nougat-type confections, made with nuts, honey or sugar, and/or egg whites, are consumed in many countries. Torró d'Agramunt is a nougat produced in northeast Spain that has been awarded the European quality label Protected Geographical Indication (PGI). When sensory descriptors are included in the PGI's operating regulations, the sensory quality of products with the label must be guaranteed. The current study established eight descriptors and reference ranges for Torró d'Agramunt, differentiating between products labeled “supreme category” (containing =60% nuts) from those labeled “extra category” (containing =46% nuts), and developed a method to train a panel of tasters to evaluate this product. Applying the method also showed that sensory analysis is useful for identifying products that are nearing their expiry date. The work conducted within this study represents a step toward the standardization of the approach to the sensory analysis of nougats and similar products.The authors thank the members of the tasting panel, the RegulatingBoard of PGITorr o d'Agramunt, and the Government of CataloniaPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effect of VacuumImpregnation and High Hydrostatic Pressure Treatments on Shelf Life, Physicochemical, and Sensory Properties of Seabream Fillets

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    Marination is commonly used to preserve fish, which, in combination with other non-thermal technologies, such as vacuum impregnation and high hydrostatic pressure, may help to preserve freshness and extend shelf life. In addition, marination may mask changes in physicochemical properties and the sensory attributes of fish resulting from intense pressurization treatments. In this study, we evaluated the effects of vacuum impregnation (50 mbar for 5 min) alone or in combination with a moderate pressurization treatment (250 MPa for 6 min) on the physicochemical properties, microbiological and oxidative stability, and sensory properties of refrigerated seabream fillets. Compared to conventional marination, vacuum impregnation alone had no effect on the aforementioned properties, except for a higher perception of lemon aroma (0.9 vs. 1.6). However, vacuum impregnation with pressurization reduced the total viable mesophilic aerobic bacteria to counts below 4 log colony forming units (CFU)/g after 16 days of storage at ≤ 2 °C, compared to 6 log CFU/g with conventional marination. Additionally, the color and texture were affected by the pressurization treatment. However, color was more susceptible, and at the beginning of storage, lightness was higher in the pressurized samples than in the control (52 vs. 78). Regardless, this whitening effect and other minor changes in texture and sensory properties compared to conventional marination with vacuum impregnation with pressurization can be considered of little relevance considering the increase in shelf life, the lack of lipid oxidation (maintained at low and similar levels as those of the non-pressurized samples), and the intrinsic whitening effects of certain marinades.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumer attitudes toward consumption of meat products containing offal and offal extracts

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    The development of food products containing offal and offal extracts could be part of the solution to the upcoming demand for animal protein. This study aimed to determine Spanish consumers’ attitudes toward offal and the development of meat products containing offal extracts. Consumers’ perceptions were evaluated by means of focus group discussions and a survey (N = 400) to validate the focus group results in various Spanish provinces. The theory of planned behavior was used to examine consumer attitudes. Results indicated that nutritional properties, environmental sustainability, and affordability were the main drivers, while sensory attributes, low frequency consumption, and perceived higher content of undesirable compounds were the main barriers. Three segments were identified according to their beliefs: those in favor of these products, those that were health and environmentally conscious, and those who were reluctant about them. The identification of these segments and their profiles demonstrated the necessity to focus efforts on providing reliable information on sensory and health-related issues to improve acceptability. Attitude was the most important predictor of behavioral intention regarding the global model, while the social component (subjective norm) was significant for two of the identified segments, emphasizing the relevance of the social component for acceptability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metodología y entrenamiento de un panel para evaluar la calidad sensorial de la Indicación Geográfica Protegida (IGP) Turrón de Agramunt

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    Se presentan los atributos sensoriales del “Turrón de Agramunt IGP”, la metodología para evaluarlos y el resultado de su aplicación en la validación del panel y la elaboración del perfil sensorial del turrón.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Disrupted functional connectivity in adolescent obesity

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    Background/objective: Obesity has been associated with brain alterations characterised by poorer interaction between a hypersensitive reward system and a comparatively weaker prefrontal-cognitive control system. These alterations may occur as early as in adolescence, but this notion remains unclear, as no studies so far have examined global functional connectivity in adolescents with excess weight. Subjects/methods: We investigated functional connectivity in a sample of 60 adolescents with excess weight and 55 normal weight controls. We first identified parts of the brain displaying between-group global connectivity differences and then characterised the extent of the differences in functional network integrity and their association with reward sensitivity. Results: Adolescent obesity was linked to neuroadaptations in functional connectivity within brain hubs linked to interoception (insula), emotionalmemory (middle temporal gyrus) and cognitive control (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex) (pFWE < 0.05). The connectivity between the insula and the anterior cingulate cortex was reduced in comparison to controls, as was the connectivity between the middle temporal gyrus and the posterior cingulate cortex and cuneus/precuneus (pFWE < 0.05). Conversely, the middle temporal gyrus displayed increased connectivity with the orbitofrontal cortex (pFWE < 0.05). Critically, these networks were correlated with sensitivity to reward (p < 0.05). Conclusions: These findings suggest that adolescent obesity is linked to disrupted functional connectivity in brain networks relevant to maintaining balance between reward, emotional memories and cognitive control. Our findings may contribute to reconceptualization of obesity as a multi-layered brain disorder leading to compromised motivation and control, and provide a biological account to target prevention strategies for adolescent obesity

    Consumer attitudes toward consumption of meat products containing offal and offal extracts

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    The development of food products containing offal and offal extracts could be part of the solution to the upcoming demand for animal protein. This study aimed to determine Spanish consumers’ attitudes toward offal and the development of meat products containing offal extracts. Consumers’ perceptions were evaluated by means of focus group discussions and a survey (N = 400) to validate the focus group results in various Spanish provinces. The theory of planned behavior was used to examine consumer attitudes. Results indicated that nutritional properties, environmental sustainability, and affordability were the main drivers, while sensory attributes, low frequency consumption, and perceived higher content of undesirable compounds were the main barriers. Three segments were identified according to their beliefs: those in favor of these products, those that were health and environmentally conscious, and those who were reluctant about them. The identification of these segments and their profiles demonstrated the necessity to focus efforts on providing reliable information on sensory and health-related issues to improve acceptability. Attitude was the most important predictor of behavioral intention regarding the global model, while the social component (subjective norm) was significant for two of the identified segments, emphasizing the relevance of the social component for acceptability.This work was supported by industrial abattoirs: Patel SAU, Olot Meats S.A., Friselva S.A., Frigoríficos del Nordeste S.A., and Frigoríficos Costa Brava S.A., with financial support of Government of Catalonia (Project Ref. 3A), the National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) (RTA2017-00024-C04-01), and CERCA program from Generalitat de Catalunya. R. Bou was in part supported through the Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2013-12745) and M. Llauger was supported by the Ministry of the Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (Grant Number PRE2018-084247).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Prefrontal gray matter and motivation for treatment in cocaine dependent individuals with and without personality disorders

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    Addiction treatment is a long-term goal and therefore prefrontal–striatal regions regulating goal-directed behavior are to be associated with individual differences on treatment motivation. We aimed at examining the association between gray matter volumes in prefrontal cortices and striatum and readiness to change at treatment onset in cocaine users with and without personality disorders. Participants included 17 cocaine users without psychiatric comorbidities, 17 cocaine users with Cluster B disorders, and 12 cocaine users with Cluster C disorders. They completed the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale, which measures four stages of treatment change (precontemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance) and overall readiness to change, and were scanned in a 3 T MRI scanner. We defined three regions of interest (ROIs): the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (including medial orbitofrontal cortex and subgenual and rostral anterior cingulate cortex), the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (i.e., superior medial frontal cortex), and the neostriatum (caudate and putamen). We found that readiness to change correlated with different aspects of ventromedial prefrontal gray matter as a function of diagnosis. In cocaine users with Cluster C comorbidities, readiness to change positively correlated with gyrus rectus gray matter, whereas in cocaine users without comorbidities it negatively correlated with rostral anterior cingulate cortex gray matter. Moreover, maintenance scores positively correlated with dorsomedial prefrontal gray matter in cocaine users with Cluster C comorbidities, but negatively correlated with this region in cocaine users with Cluster B and cocaine users without comorbidities. Maintenance scores also negatively correlated with dorsal striatum gray matter in cocaine users with Cluster C comorbidities. We conclude that the link between prefrontal–striatal gray matter and treatment motivation is modulated by co-existence of personality disorders

    Prefrontal gray matter and motivation for treatment in cocaine-dependent individuals with and without personality disorders

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    Addiction treatment is a long-term goal and therefore prefrontal–striatal regions regulating goal-directed behavior are to be associated with individual differences on treatment motivation. We aimed at examining the association between gray matter volumes in prefrontal cortices and striatum and readiness to change at treatment onset in cocaine users with and without personality disorders. Participants included 17 cocaine users without psychiatric comorbidities, 17 cocaine users with Cluster B disorders, and 12 cocaine users with Cluster C disorders. They completed the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment Scale, which measures four stages of treatment change (precontemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance) and overall readiness to change, and were scanned in a 3T MRI scanner. We defined three regions of interest (ROIs): the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (including medial orbitofrontal cortex and subgenual and rostral anterior cingulate cortex), the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (i.e., superior medial frontal cortex), and the neostriatum (caudate and putamen). We found that readiness to change correlated with different aspects of ventromedial prefrontal gray matter as a function of diagnosis. In cocaine users with Cluster C comorbidities, readiness to change positively correlated with gyrus rectus gray matter, whereas in cocaine users without comorbidities it negatively correlated with rostral anterior cingulate cortex gray matter. Moreover, maintenance scores positively correlated with dorsomedial prefrontal gray matter in cocaine users with Cluster C comorbidities, but negatively correlated with this region in cocaine users with Cluster B and cocaine users without comorbidities. Maintenance scores also negatively correlated with dorsal striatum gray matter in cocaine users with Cluster C comorbidities. We conclude that the link between prefrontal–striatal gray matter and treatment motivation is modulated by co-existence of personality disorders

    Brain Structural Correlates of Reward Sensitivity and Impulsivity in Adolescents with Normal and Excess Weight

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    Introduction: Neuroscience evidence suggests that adolescent obesity is linked to brain dysfunctions associated with enhanced reward and somatosensory processing and reduced impulse control during food processing. Comparatively less is known about the role of more stable brain structural measures and their link to personality traits and neuropsychological factors on the presentation of adolescent obesity. Here we aimed to investigate regional brain anatomy in adolescents with excess weight vs. lean controls. We also aimed to contrast the associations between brain structure and personality and cognitive measures in both groups. Methods: Fifty-two adolescents (16 with normal weight and 36 with excess weight) were scanned using magnetic resonance imaging and completed the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire (SPSRQ), the UPPS-P scale, and the Stroop task. Voxel-based morphometry (VBM) was used to assess possible between-group differences in regional gray matter (GM) and to measure the putative differences in the way reward and punishment sensitivity, impulsivity and inhibitory control relate to regional GM volumes, which were analyzed using both region of interest (ROI) and whole brain analyses. The ROIs included areas involved in reward/somatosensory processing (striatum, somatosensory cortices) and motivation/impulse control (hippocampus, prefrontal cortex). Results: Excess weight adolescents showed increased GM volume in the right hippocampus. Voxel-wise volumes of the second somatosensory cortex (SII) were correlated with reward sensitivity and positive urgency in lean controls, but this association was missed in excess weight adolescents. Moreover, Stroop performance correlated with dorsolateral prefrontal cortex volumes in controls but not in excess weight adolescents. Conclusion: Adolescents with excess weight have structural abnormalities in brain regions associated with somatosensory processing and motivation